The use of Information Technology is one of the primary ways that law firms can compete and win in today’s legal marketplace. Most lawyers understand that they will benefit by implementing legal technology software. But using today’s modern Legal Technology Solutions can put their practices above the rest. These programs streamline workloads, ensure deadlines are met, and that duties are effectively and efficiently accomplished.

Artificial intelligence is also changing the way law firms do business and interact with clients. It’s more than legal technology – It’s revolutionizing the legal profession.

Choosing the right software is critical. To help we’ve highlighted six modern Legal Technology Solutions that will streamline your workload.

1. Diligen

Diligen is an award-winning artificial intelligence (AI)-based contract assistant. It eliminates the tedious manual work tied to contract analysis by helping you identify critical provisions and sort and summarize contracts automatically. And it ensures certainty when it comes to due diligence efforts for contract review. Diligen uses machine-learning powered review and collaborative project management in one simple, secure interface.

Diligen accurately extracts key provisions in contracts and legal documents and recognizes a wide variety of key clauses in the context of corporate document review. It comes with a built-in tool that allows your users to train it to recognize any new clause type, making it adaptable to any contract review task. Diligen has been shown to cut contract review time by 50 percent. And, considering the potential for human error, it helps to know that the task can be taken care of quickly and accurately.

It provides a sleek and easy-to-use interface combining automatic contract analysis and intuitive project management. Armed with its machine learning capabilities, your staff can focus on higher-level tasks while th platform improves the efficiency of contract review.

Diligen comes at three price points: Essential ($350/month), Professional ($500/month), and Enterprise ($1600/month). The higher-priced options offer an improved set of tools, including a higher cap on the number of contracts (up to 500/month with Enterprise), user training, and additional document storage. Firms on the Enterprise Plan can pay an extra $50 per month for each 100 GB of storage needed, on top of the 100 GB already included.

2. ROSS Intelligence

ROSS Intelligence is the first ever artificial intelligence research and indexing software. It uses advanced AI to perform legal research. Without AI, speeding up the completion of these tasks would typically take a considerable amount of time to do manually.

ROSS is built on its own AI framework (Legal Cortex) and combines with IBM’s Watson’s cognitive computing technology. It works much like Siri. You ask a simple question, the system sifts through its database of legal documents and it provides an answer paired with a confidence rating.

ROSS Intelligence is optimized for natural language searches, which provide search results that better address your intent and the context of your query. Instead of relying heavily on a flawed system of keyword searches, you simply ask a question. This results in more efficient legal research.

In addition to automating aspects of legal research, ROSS monitors developments in the law that pertain to current legal issues. It can also notify you with real-time updates to keep your firm up to date.

ROSS covers all practice areas, and its free brief analyzer and case search platform (called EVA) scans a given brief, manufactures links to all cited cases, and highlights cases that have received negative treatment. EVA’s legal research engine accesses a massive American case law database to answer legal questions regarding any area of practice. ROSS Intelligence has the potential to save both lawyers and their clients billions of dollars every year.

3., like ROSS, is an AI solution that you speak to. It uses natural language, just like you would with a real assistant. And it’s entirely powered by AI with no human interference. It’s a automated personal assistant to help you and your staff carry out daily tasks and activities to streamline a wide range of standard business scenarios, from introductions, to scheduling meetings, to managing travel logistics and more.

You can choose from 4 products:

  1. Smart Meetings to quickly schedule, update and cancel meetings with a snapshot of all parties involved, internal or external.
  2. Information Discovery to save time and reduce workloads by searching through its data stores, ticketing functionality and extensive knowledge base.
  3. Document Generation to create documents and presentations. You can then amend and edit the documents before downloading them.
  4. CRM Automation that makes CRM information accessible and conversational. Your staff can view, create and modify key CRM information directly from chat. is available at three price points: Standard (free), Professional ($25/month), and Corporate (priced individually). Many features are available in some form even in the free edition, while paying will enable unlimited access to features such as introductions, FAQs, and call transcribing. The Corporate plan adds administrative oversight and corporation-wide data accounts.

4. Clio

Clio helps law firms streamline various aspects of their operations, ranging from billing to document management. The time tracking function and customizable invoices allow you to accurately keep tabs on billable time while reducing time spent on menial work tasks, such as creating invoices. You can populate data into Clio to eliminate data entry duplication.

Clio is one of the most widely used legal practice management programs on the market today. They report having over 150,000 users in 90 countries. It offers everything that a successful practice might need and a lot more. Some of Clio’s features include:

  • Time Tracking
  • Matter Management
  • Trust Accounting
  • Client Payment
  • Billing
  • Legal Accounting
  • Legal Research
  • Document Management
  • Calendar
  • Lead Tracking
  • App Directory
  • Bank Grade Security
  • Mobile Apps
  • Award-Winning Support

Clio works well for all areas of the law. Whether you specialize in bankruptcy law, criminal law, civil litigation, family law, immigration law or other areas, you’ll find this software to be comprehensive and easy to use.

It also allows for unlimited document storage in the Cloud, making your firm’s files easy to access from anywhere. One of Clio’s most famous features is its ability to integrate with a wide range of common applications, including Google, Dropbox, Outlook, QuickBooks, and more. It also comes in three plans: Starter, Boutique, and Elite.

5. MyCase

MyCase is intended to be an all-in-one solution for law firms looking to more effectively manage their practice. It offers many features that would otherwise require multiple solutions, thereby streamlining your workflow. Common time-consuming tasks such as creating invoices, billing, and contact management can be automated through MyCase.

Workflows keep your case documents well-organized by creating folders and subfolders where you can store your information. You can keep tabs on what the rest of the firm is working on via a real-time activity feed. A “dock” at the bottom of the dashboard helps you quickly access the date calculator, email integration, timekeeping, and other features you wish to add.

MyCase helps with all of your essential case details including documents, contacts, calendars, emails, tasks, invoices where they are available in a single, organized location.  Features include:

  • Billing & Invoicing
  • Client Portal
  • Calendar Management
  • Document Management
  • Contract Management
  • Email Management
  • Legal Case Management
  • Task Management
  • Time Tracking
  • Trust Accounting

A game-changing feature of MyCase is its accessibility from a variety of devices. You can log into your account from any computer, or via the MyCase app available on both iOS and Android. Whether you’re in court, commuting, or on vacation, you can keep up to date with your firm from any device.

6. AbacusLaw

AbacusLaw is one of the most well-known legal solutions currently available, and for a good reason. It offers powerful tools designed to help manage all aspects of legal operations. Like MyCase, it provides mobile applications and cutting-edge security to keep your records safe. It helps you manage your workflows, billing, time and accounting operations.

As an all-in-one program, AbacusLaw allows you to access all the information and features you need in one place.

Features include:

  • Court Date Calculator and Rule-Based Calendaring
  • Form and Document Automation
  • Matter Management
  • Conflict Checking
  • Contact Management
  • Document and Email Management
  • Time Tracking
  • Billing
  • Balance Accounting
  • Trust Accounting
  • Automatic Updates
  • 24/7 Support and more

Regardless of the size of your firm or your area of practice, you can see significant benefits from adopting a modern legal solution. The best choice will depend on your firm’s unique needs.

Original publication: Zannes Law

Source –


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