HIPAA Compliant IT Services, Computer Networking & Data Security For Covered Entities & Business Associates.

eSOZO is one of the only trained and verified compliant IT services & computer support companies in New Jersey, New York & Pennsylvania.

Covered Entities & Business Associates are increasingly concerned about the security of everyone’s medical information in a very digital world.In fact, many healthcare providers throughout New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania have said that a big reason that they haven’t fully embraced useful online features like cloud storage, is they’re not quite sure how safe it is for their patient information. They’re not just being cautious: failure to protect this electronic data (EHR) can result in unpleasant audits and possible big fines. But more importantly, security problems can hurt the vital trust patients place in their doctors. To help providers improve their efficiency, and give them peace of mind about how they secure private data, eSOZO now offers a set of tools specially designed for smaller healthcare businesses. The eSOZO HIPAA Risk Analysis & Strategic Healthcare IT Management Plan helps recognize and create best privacy practices for how your whole team operates.

This includes:

  • Learning how you gather, store and access confidential patient information.
  • Working with you and your team to come up with a sensible management plan and general strategies to minimize risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Scanning your network for weak points and areas of compliance.
  • Offering our findings about what has been done correctly and is working well, plus recommendations for what areas you can and should improve.
Having an up-to-date Risk Analysis will be an asset to show patients how seriously you take their security. It also can be useful to show auditors or anyone inquiring about your best practices. eSOZO's Network Administrators are eager to help you get started protecting your data and protecting your business. HIPAA has required major changes to many company’s policies and procedures. Trying to comply can be confusing if you don’t have expert guidance. Let us know how we can help!
eSOZO can help your Business Associate, Covered Entity or any medical practice tackle HIPAA compliance and patient data security concerns head-on. Contact us immediately at info@esozo.com or (888) 376-9648 to find out more. We’re the HIPAA compliant IT support experts local medical organizations trust.
Computer Networking For Medical Clinics


eSOZO Computer and Network Services

4 Walter E Foran Blvd
Suite 301
Flemington, NJ 08822Phone: (888) 376-9648 Email: info@esozo.com


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