Happy National IT Professionals Day

The men and women who care for your company’s computer infrastructure work hard and the bulk of their work is largely “behind the scenes.”   When things are going smoothly, IT support specialists are largely forgotten about.  But when something goes wrong, they are the most sought after and least popular people in the office!

IT support specialists do important work They keep our businesses on task at all times.  Yet all too often all information technology professionals hear about is negative, and it can be very discouraging.  People can be lavish with criticism yet very stingy with praise.

In response to this disparity, it was suggested that a National IT Professionals Day to be held annually every third Tuesday in September.  In March 2015, this holiday became a part of the National Day Calendar and is now observed on a yearly basis.  This year’s National IT Professionals Day falls on Tuesday, September 19th.

National IT Professionals Day is here.  Want a professional IT team that will work hard to support your New Jersey business?  Contact eSOZO at (888) 376-9648 or info@esozo.com now.

What can I do to show support for my IT support team?

You value your professional IT support team—no question.  So, what can you do to show your appreciation for them?

  • Say thank you.

Saying thank you sounds like such a simple thing, yet it can often get overlooked in our busy work days.  Often we feel gratitude in our hearts but fail to express it to the people who need to hear it most.   National IT Professionals Day is a great time to make known to your computer support services team just how much you value their contributions to your company.

  • Make use of your social media platforms.

Simple recognition of work well done is a powerful thing.  One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to bring awareness to National IT Professionals Day thereby encouraging others to celebrate their IT support teams as well.  Use your social media profiles to post content to draw attention to this important day.  Post #ITProDay to help spread the word!

  • Seek your IT support team’s advice.

One of the most powerful ways to show a team member that you value them is to seek them out to ask their advice. IT consultants love this! Your computer support specialist has wisdom to share that comes from an entirely different perspective than the remainder of your team.  By choosing to ask for their counsel, you accomplish two things—you reinforce your belief in your IT support specialist, and you gain important insight into your business operations.  It’s a win-win situation for both of you.

  • View them as a part of your team.

Everyone likes to feel like they are part of a bigger whole.  Your IT professionals are no different.  Let them know how their efforts enrich and enhance your day to day operations.  View them as important IT partners in the quest to grow and improve your business.  Positivity feeds positivity.  If your IT care team feels valued and appreciated, they will be encouraged to not only continue to provide you with excellent service but also to go above and beyond the call of duty for you.

  • Work with them on an appropriate budget.

One of the most frustrating things an IT support specialists face is trying to procure the necessary tools for the job at hand when the IT budgeting is simply too low.  Taking the time to talk with your IT consultant about a reasonable budget shows respect for them and the work that they do.  Sometimes there is only a certain amount of money available, but an honest, upfront discussion with your team shows them that you recognize there is a need for more, and when more is available, you will certainly increase their budget accordingly.

  • Invite them into the planning stages for company growth.

Inviting your IT care professionals into meetings to discuss the future of the company shows you realize that IT plays a vital role in your direction going forward.  And your IT support specialists will have suggestions that can help with your company vision.  Get them in and working at the ground level even if you are just at the forecasting stage.  Get them excited about visualizing where you could go and what IT you need to take you there.  It is a small step with huge impact for your IT support partners.  

You’ve hired the best; now you need to trust them to make the best decisions for your business.  You can’t do everything yourself—you know that.  And you need partners you can really count on to equip you for success.  The behind-the-scenes IT work is vitally important to your efficiency and productivity on the whole.  Give your staff the freedom they need to do their jobs well.  Your trust in them will pay back a million fold.

Are you looking for technology specialists that you can place all your trust in?  Look no further than eSOZOContact eSOZO now at (888) 376-9648 or info@esozo.com.

Partner with us! As your IT support specialists, we have the skills you need to take your business IT forward.

Author: Aaron White, Date: 19th September 2017


eSOZO Computer and Network Services

4 Walter E Foran Blvd
Suite 301
Flemington, NJ 08822Phone: (888) 376-9648 Email: info@esozo.com


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